Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Official

Saw a specialist today, which netted me an official diagnosis. I have Narcolepsy.

Granted, it's not a serious case, and it shouldn't really interfere with my life unless it gets worse (which, I hear, does happen.).

This comes as a relief now because I was sick of not having a concrete answer regarding my sleepiness. I don't have to explain to everyone that "I show most of the major symptoms for narcolepsy but I haven't been properly diagnosed, so make sure I don't fall asleep." Now I can just say, "Ha! You can't fire me cause it's not my fault!"

So, doc said to keep taking my Provigil for a few weeks to see if it helps. Hopefully I won't succumb to tolerance. In the past week I've started falling asleep at work again while taking the drug, so the doctor recommended upping the dose until it works consistently. I have a feeling I'll end up taking like, 800 mg one night and still getting sleepy, which'll basically mean the drug is useless to me.

Not much else to say on the subject. I just have to learn to get over my frustrations when I can't remember waking up and shutting off my alarm and going back to bed. It's maddening waking up two or three hours after your intended wake time and finding your alarm to be shut off. (This just happened to me. I wanted to nap from 12 to 1, and I slept until 3:30).

My agenda for tonight (what's left of it) is to do my taxes and... I don't know what else. Take a hot bath maybe. My back is stiff. I need to recover my writing from an old hard drive from an old computer so I have more content to add to my new website.

1 comment:

ChezNips said...

Keep trying to think positively. I also think your quality of sleep when you actually sleep is complicating the issue and should be discussed. Hang in there awesome sauce, you know when you need a wakeup call, you can count on me. The problem is that I cant always tell when you are awake or not, hense Wednesday when we carried on a conversation and you even looked straight at me when I asked if you wanted to sleep longer. I'm going to have to overcome the feeling sorry for you and letting you sleep more. :)